Yeah, Batman's got nothing to do with this post.
But wouldn't a Batman-themed wedding be epic? (Although, SO not happening!)
It's been a while since the last blog. Wedding planning came to a stand-still as finals happened, some plans got rearranged, and no date was set. For a few short days, I was not even going to come back to OU. I was planning on coming home to Allen, working for a semester and going back to school in the fall at UNT, UTD, etc. Those plans quickly changed because we realized that it would take me extra semesters to finish at home, and thus equal more money. So, in the end, it sums to the same amount of tuition. What up. Coming back to OU. My roommates were thrilled, I was thrilled, and I am taking an extra semester to graduate for my sanity. (Still graduating a semester early!)
But, then, coming back to OU after previously cancelling all of my classes, left me with few options for classes. After arguing with the bursar, I got my holds cleared and I came back to my apartment. Upon my return I checked my e-mail and found an e-mail about online science classes! WHAT?! So, I looked into it, got enrolled in every single one, and I am now in three online science classes (that will count for my major coursework!) and one online elective credit. Hooray for epic semesters.
So, with my free course schedule I get to do schoolwork when I want to do schoolwork-- within reason, of course. I still have to turn things in on specific dates. But, seeing as I have all this free time during the day, I got a full-time job to pay for said wedding epic-ness.
Speaking of wedding, we have changed colors up a little. I kept looking at wedding blogs, wedding sites, wedding magazines, anything for weddings, I was all over that. So, I started to think maybe I didn't like our colors. Maybe I should try something new that's not so typical "wedding" as pink and black. But, I couldn't get my favorite flower in any other color I like besides white and pink, so we (Yes, we. Trenton actually helped make this decision!) stuck with pink. However, we're adding green to the mix to add extra color so it's not so... girly. Even I was getting sick of the Pepto color that was our wedding.
More of wedding news: WE SET A DATE! Finally. Even though we've been engaged for a little less than two months, it's really hard to look at this pretty rock every day and know that a date is not set. There's not a date set for my bling to get a buddy-- known as my wedding band. I'm so excited to be a Mrs. and even more excited to be Mrs. Trenton Holloway! Now all that's left to do is, you know, everything. Lots of planning, crafting, scheduling, shopping, etc.
July 9, 2010, people! Remember it.