Saturday, February 27, 2010


That's right. A tsunami. Apparently there was a huge 8.8 earthquake in Chile yesterday, and it's causing giant waves and tsunamis all over the Pacific Ocean. Why does this matter to me?

My loving man is stationed right off the Pacific.

I awoke to find a text message from my FMIL, who asked if I had spoken to him. My first reaction is "No. Did something happen?!" She told me of the earthquake and the possible implications for his base. I of course start freaking out as I haven't talked to him in several days outside of a few text messages here and there. Sadly, I am one of those people who goes straight to the worst possible scenario. I start imagining a huge tsunami lifting a sub and smashing it onto him. Just him. Not other people or buildings. Terrifying.

I called him, and woke him up, much to his dismay. I was a nervous little hen and I couldn't help myself. He wasn't grumpy with me though. He understood I was just scared and needing to know. I, of course, had him call his mother right after I got off the phone with him.

Deep breath in, little grasshopper.

I need to calm down. But, it's okay. His mom sent me a text while I was talking to him that said Hawaii is at more risk than where he is. Huge sigh of relief from me.

I'm glad to know he's going to be okay. He assured me that if anything were going to happen to his subs, or to his base, they would've done it already and notified everyone. So, he's thinking he's good. I'm thinking he's good.

Clearly, I need to read the news more often. Learn more about natural disasters. Become a meteorologist. Something!

On a more... wedding related note: I finished my cards. Y'know, the ones for my bridesmaids asking about bridesmaid-ship. It really didn't take me long. I would post pictures, but silly me finished them and sealed them in envelopes before taking pictures. Whoops.

Tsunamis and wedding aside, I also caught a stomach bug on Thursday. That's right. I just got over bronchitis and still have the bruised ribs and strained cartilage to prove it, and then I got a stomach bug. I haven't eaten a real meal in about two days. I've lost four pounds, but I haven't eaten. I'm so hungry and desperately wanting a burger.

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