Friday, May 7, 2010

Big Band

Woah there, finals. You've really gotten in the way of my wedding planning. And thus, resulting in my absence for the last few days. I mean, let's get real. It's been over a week. With all of my final papers, last projects, assignments and final preparations, wedding planning and blogging have taken a back seat.

Remember these invitations? They are still sitting in the exact. same. spot. I haven't gotten anything done with them, except to print out the response card post cards. And, those haven't even been cut. They're still sitting four to a page with no sign in sight that they will be separated soon. They will get done. They will get done. [Repeat until one truly believes.]

However, let's talk wedding bands! As in, ours came in! I ordered them about a week ago and they got here really fast. It was an online shopping experience and it did me well. I got both of our bands for a really good price, and they're terribly high quality. I know, I know. Stop blabbering and get to the pictures.
I was a bad little cricket and tried mine on. I needed to make sure it fit!

His wedding band, still in the box. It doesn't fit on my hands.

I really love them. Trenton likes his band, he got to see a preview before I ordered it. My band, I got to pick out myself. It made the entire thing feel more real. I mean, I know we're only a month away (read: 27 days) from being legally married, and a mere 63 days away from our wedding, but something about having the bands really solidified the entire thing.

I knew it was real, but it never felt real until I held his band in my hand. Saw my band next to his band. Then it was real.

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