Monday, April 19, 2010

They. Are. So. Close.

The invitations. My nuptials included, but mostly... the invites! My invitations got the cutting and printing started tonight!

The only problem with it was that when I first started planning for invitations, I was doing a 4" x 6" invite, so I only bought enough paper to get 6 invites out of each sheet of paper. However, once I nixed the pocket fold invites I decided instead to do a flat card in 5" x 7".

Um, on a 12" square sheet of paper... you only get 4 5" x 7" cards. So, I didn't have enough paper. I will have to go to Hobby Lobby to get the rest of my paper. I had enough white paper and black paper, just my gorgeous pink paper. I'm sure Trenton wouldn't mind me losing the pink, but I still love it. I'm going to get some so I can get these suckers finished!

Want a teaser? Hmmmm?
(personal photo)
Also, why yes, that is a Blue Moon in the background. It was late, I was finishing them as I finished my delicious beer. Never fear, I'm of age. I bought that beer, and I have the identification to prove it!

[sigh] I'm glad I've finally gotten a small step accomplished with my invitations. There's still a lot to do, like assembling them, rounding the corners, layering them, gluing them, etc. Then I have to print the RSVP postcards, the directions, and decide if I'm going to include information to get people to our website.

So many decisions. But, at least one thing is done!

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