Friday, February 5, 2010

Wedding Weekend

I am not even kidding you, it's been wedding weekend in the life of Sara.
In one day, I got my gown and started my registry, plus tomorrow I'm going with my mom, sister and the fiance's mom to go look at possible venues.

My dress-capades: I went to a teeny-tiny bridal boutique in Addison to just browse, no buying, just looking. We looked around, rummaged through the clearance rack and picked out a good 8 or 9 dresses. I tried the first one on, and it was amazing. I then tried on a smorgasbord of dresses ranging from the very good to the very bad. Many my sister liked, but I hated; some my mom liked, but my sister didn't; there were even some we ALL vetoed. But, in the end, I slipped back into my magnificent, glorious first gown and looked. We all looked.

This dress. This stunning dress. It fit me like a glove. I wouldn't need alterations, the saleswoman told me. Throw on a pair of heels and I don't even have to mess with the hem. All that would need to happen was adding the strings for a bustle and a steam press before the wedding. No weight loss or mega alterations needed. A perfect dress. Made for me. Simple, elegant, and so... so ME!

We looked at this dress. I walked in the dress to see it in motion. I bent over to make sure nothing was going to fall out or rip. I looked at my mom. I looked at the sales woman... she told me it was on sale. From the clearance rack, and still on sale. Cheaper than the clearance rack?! How could this be?!

This gown, this unbelievable $750 gown... this 100% silk, gorgeous gown... was on clearance. Down to $300. But alas! the gown was even further discounted! And for what, a small, unnoticeable stain!? This dress was priced at an unbelievable $99 before taxes. I looked at my mom, quietly, questioningly, "Are we going to do it?" She looked back at me and said, "I think so." I turned to the wonderful sales woman and owner and I said, "Well, we're taking it!" She smiled, excited I had found my dress in her store and said she would take it downstairs to get it ready.

We followed quickly downstairs, she got our payment, got our paperwork and put my dress into that take-home dress bag. She carried it out to our car, hugged me and asked me to send pictures of the wedding. I jumped up and down a little with my sister and quickly started sending the text messages. I haven't have felt more like a bride than that.

I love my dress. Love it. Almost as much as the man I'm going to marry. I'm glad I have such an amazing dress to marry the man of my dreams. It's fantastic.

Besides the dress shopping this afternoon, I also got my registry started. What a fiasco. Holy cow. Trying to remember what I had and didn't have. Thinking about what Trenton would like that I like too. We hadn't chosen a color scheme for the bathroom or living room, so I just kinda went with something that I liked that wasn't too girly. There are no flowers in what I registered for. I'm hitting up another store tomorrow for bedding and some other miscellaneous stuff. It's rather stressful trying to decide what to register for and what is good for decorating, and what gadgets you need. It's insane. I don't think Hollywood realizes.


  1. Yay! Super-exciting! I wanna seeeeee.

  2. Stop by my mom's house! It's here. Won't be for much longer though. I'm leaving tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon to go back to school and my purty dress is coming with! COME SEE!
