Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Quitting Cold Turkey

Dear Wedding Blogs,

That's right. Revoke my bride license! I'm through with you! Wedding blogs, you and I are breaking up.

I've had it with you and your crazy budgets. I'm tired of listening to people talk and complain about trying to feed, water and entertain one hundred people for twenty-three THOUSAND dollars. It's ridiculous and you make people like me, furious.

I love looking through your huge galleries of gorgeous weddings, getting great ideas and inspiration, and reading all of your touching stories. But, I'm also tired of reading about these thirty-somethings with their own tens of thousands of dollars to spend, or these twenty-somethings whose parents are footing the bill. Not all of us are like you. I'm really sorry to have to do this to you, but... we're just not on the same page. You live in a world of silver and china, and I live in the nickel-plated and plastic (reusable, not disposable) kind of world.

Some wedding blogs have great ideas for the more "budget-friendly" brides, and lots of great tips for how to stay sane and practical. But, a lot of that is a little too eccentric for me, or just a little too... "green". I love to recycle and use my resources wisely, but I do not want a burlap wedding dress held together with hemp. Nor do I plan on wearing black, fairy wings or being a nudist. You and I, remotely-sane-blogs, we're done too because you just can't fit in my lifestyle.

I'm sorry to do this to you, wedding blogs. You've been so great to me; but my last few months of planning... I want them to be mine. So, I bid you adieu and I will keep my own damn blog.

I promise it's you... not me.



  1. I understand. I quit all of the blogs that made me mad, sad, or otherwise upset a number of months before the wedding. I still read a few now though; namely A Practical Wedding. Meg hasn't been updating as much since she's been doing site updates 'n' stuff, but I still enjoy what she has to say. It's more of a dialogue than an inspiration blog, methinks.

  2. Yeah, I just got really frustrated today, with one certain site. I was just like... man, you piss me off. I'm done reading you. Buh-bye.
