Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh-- Hey, Thanks!

[Warning: This post has NOTHING to do with weddings. Enjoy the break.]
Thank you, OU, for making my life just thaaaat much easier. I really appreciate the lack of communication and attention to detail.
Can you sense my sarcasm just oozing out of your screen? I got some not-so-pleasant news today. Not anything earth shattering, but definitely complicated some plans. Remember how I told you I had thirteen hours left? Weeeellllll, OU kinda lied.

My advisor told me I had 13 hours left. I found that to be ridiculously low considering I thought I still had around 20 hours, but I figured she was the professional, leave it to her. However, I got my degree check today to see where I stood for graduation (which is so soon it scares me!).

Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) I do still have 21 hours left. Three of those are my senior capstone class, but that still leaves me with 18 hours to do. Can I cram it into one Summer? Yes. Will it be mind-numbing and  awful? Yes. Can I do it? Yes. Am I going to? Duh.

My main goal is to be done with my Bachelor's degree by the time I move to Washington, or shortly thereafter. Which means being done in July or August. I do have some options as to how to complete this in time to get my diploma before I'm officially gone, but it's going to be tough. And a lot of it weighs on some "ifs" from other people.

Where does this leave wedding planning?

Exactly the place it was this morning. Moving along nicely. It really only affects me and Trenton. The degree will get done and it will be in my hand, it's just now more a matter of time. It will either be July or December depending on how things pan out. I've already got the ball rolling with these people who have all the power, and best case scenario...

I'll be walking in May, getting my diploma in July and being done with college!

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