Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Epic Day of Awesome

Okay. We have several topics today. One not-so-good, some REALLY great. We'll start with the bad.

Personal Photo
'Member him? Yeah, so, he's leaving to go under water for the next two to three months. He's on submarines so obviously, limited contact. The teensy-weensy glimmer of hope: he has access to VERY slow e-mail. That gets read and censored and all of that wonderful military stuff. At least there will maybe be some contact. He's leaving relatively soon (as was expected) but today I found out the actual date, and let's just say it is much, much sooner than I was hoping. I knew it was coming, but to actually have a set date... it just changes things.

Brighter notes: I had an advising appointment today for my final semester in college (WHAAAAT?!). In said appointment, I was told that not only am I on track to graduate in a mere nine months-- but I have a whole lot less credits I need than first thought. I was under the impression that I still had two more classes to take (about six credits) for my major, and about three or four more elective classes (about twelve to fifteen credits). My wonderful advisor informed me today that (wait for it...) I am done with my major coursework. That's right. DONE! I have NO MORE SCIENCE! I'm finished. Fin. Finito. 

This is great news for me-- and good news for Trenton too-- as now he will not have to deal with his new wife being absolutely crazy taking a full-time school schedule and a full-time job. I have thirteen hours left to graduate. In September, I get to apply to graduate, I get to walk in December, and I get to be done with college. As it's looking now, I can take one class in May Intersession here at OU (which was already planned), then two classes during the summer (again, I was already planning to do this as well) and then finishing my fall semester with a mere four hours. However, my Capstone (the required course here at OU to graduate) is only three hours. So I must find another three hour class to satisfy my one hour left to graduate. No big. I'm super excited that my final semester-- and first semester as a wife-- will be so light. My Capstone is pretty intense, but six hours rather than twelve is way okay with me. Graduation, here I come!
Personal Photo
That's me, my sister (MOH B) and my brother at my sister's college graduation from OU. It was so hot that day, but it was so great to see her graduate. We're actually graduating from the same college, but different degrees.

Other good news, my shoes came in today! I already put them on, and they are so comfortable! I can't believe what a great deal I got on them, and they are BRIGHT blue. So, I've at least got my "something blue" taken care of. I would post pictures, but I don't want to run the risk of the man seeing them, so sorry. If you leave me your e-mail I'll send them along. It's been a really great day so far. I had taken the day off of work to just... relax. Get my advising done, some homework and just generally be away from work. It's been nice. It was really good to get the day off, but it just kept getting better!

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