Wednesday, March 31, 2010

100 Days of Planning...

It's like 500 Days of Summer only a whole lot less cute.

Instead, it's painstakingly, horrifically, excruciatingly... close to being done!

That's right, I said it. We are [and really, I mean I am] almost done with plans for the wedding. My wedding to-do list is slowly being filled with strike-through and is quickly starting to look more accomplished. Much less overwhelming than it was about two weeks ago. It's amazing-- reading back through my blog, even just this month-- to see how much has gotten done. Flowers, cake, dresses, groomsmen attire, etc. Things are really starting to come to fruition. And a lot of that has been because of the amazing help I've had with my family and my future-in-laws.

We're at a mere 100 days from our Texas nuptials and I couldn't be more excited. The planning is coming to fruition. I still have a long time to go. One hundred days is still pretty long, but it's still a lot closer than we were when we got engaged. I am so ready to be married to the Mister. Sadly, a lot of wedding planning has happened without his input due to his commitments in the Navy. He's missed out on a lot of questions, planning, thoughts, and [to his delight, I'm sure] ridiculous freak-outs about crazy things!

Within those almost-two-digit-days, there's still a list of things to do; it's just considerably smaller now. I throw myself a little party every time I strike-through another item on my Word document "Wedding To-Do List".

How is your planning coming along? Does anyone else get really excited to knock out important wedding items?


  1. Are you trying out for weddingbee, darling? You seem to have had a bit of a change in tone in your posts recently. Nothing bad. Just curious. I applied, but they turned me down right after I posted about how the stamps on my save-the-dates looked like vaginas. Go figure. :P Sooo.. word of advice: don't write about vaginas.

  2. I am indeed. Just to see if I can. If I don't, it's not like my world will end, but it would be pretty fun! And, duh, you'd get some shout-outs! And, I will steer clear of any medical shop talk. :)
