Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pearls for the Girls

Alright. So I already told you about the amazing tutorial I found for ribbon tie pearl necklaces. I figured I would go ahead and try my hand at them. They're not hard at all, and anyone looking for a good bridesmaids' gift or for just a nice project, these are quick, easy and not very expensive. They look great when they're done.

I apologize in advance for the crappy photo quality. I have been home sick from work and was crafting on my couch bundled up in a blanket. Walking to my room to get my camera was just too hard, so it's a cell phone camera. Let's get started, shall we?

First, gather your supplies. I got all of mine at Hobby Lobby while the beads were 50% off. Here's what I bought:
5 packs of 8mm glass pearl beads
          (50 beads per pack - I only used 40 for one necklace)
1 pack of Czech glass beads clear seed beads
          (You only need one tube. Its to space the pearls so they don't rub.)
1 roll of nylon coated wire
1 pair of round nose pliers
1 bag of 9mm round jump rings
1 bag of 2.5mm crimp beads
3 yards of ribbon

You can also buy crimp covers, but the crimp beads aren't really an eye sore, and the ribbon distracts from it anyways. I also had to buy some black thread but I had needles at home already.

1. First cut your wire. I ended up using about 18" and I still ended up with extra to cut off at the end.
2. Using your crimp bead and jump ring, slide the crimp bead on, followed by the jump ring. Loop your wire back through the crimp bead. Then use your pliers to flatten the crimp bead to secure the wires.
All personal photos
3. Trim the extra wire from the crimp bead and begin beading with a pearl bead. Then alternate a seed bead between the pearls to prevent rubbing.
4. When all the pearls are on, ending on a pearl bead not a seed bead, put a crimp bead on. The follow with a jump bead. Just like before, thread your wire back through the crimp bead.

5. Cut your ribbon to 12" pieces. I used black satin ribbon in a 5/8" size. Slide your ribbon through the jump ring and fold it back on itself. 
6. Take your needle and thread to close the ribbon and secure it with several knots.
7. Complete steps 5 and 6 on the other jump ring to create your ribbon tie.

Now you're finished and ready to wear the necklace. Or in my case, wrap it up and give them away!

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