Monday, March 15, 2010

Sticky Situation

You stalk photo blogs. You creep on wedding blogs like they're celebrities. There can't be enough wedding inspiration. Overload doesn't happen-- you just get more sucked in.

While this is fun and a good way to throw away your free time, the only problems are you start getting ideas. You start thinking, "Ooooh, I would love to have that. I wonder if that's possible." You forget for a moment that your venue is already set and gorgeous enough on it's own. You forget your budget and enter... Wedding World.

It's a scary place that can be a good place-- or a very, very bad place. For me, it varies. Some days, it's helpful for finding other inspiration and getting tutorials. I've learned a lot of really great stuff, and even found better advice on how to deal with etiquette, family, etc. 

The good: I've found great tutorials. I love reading the blogs of other brides to see what they're doing and how they're doing it. Some brides have unlimited (or very large) budgets, some have small budgets. While I err on the latter of the two, I am happy to be there. I may not get the letterpress invites, the huge centerpieces, or the $4,000 photographer-- but I am more than happy with what I do have and the interesting things I share with you guys.

The bad: Sometimes in looking at blogs, you start seeing the ideas, the formal invites and the price of other weddings. You think to yourself, "Oh, how I would love to have that." And, you think... "Am I doing my wedding right?" You get into a sticky situation based on other people's perceptions. Is there a right way to do a wedding? Is it okay for me to do a wedding that is styled after us? 

My answer is "NO! YES!" Any wedding planning, any aspect of this wedding reflects me and Trenton. You do weddings based on your own personal feelings, no right or wrong way. My wedding may not be formal, but I didn't want that to begin with. My wedding will be fun and "budget-friendly". My wedding will be full of love, friends, family and dancing. I want the alcohol, the delicious food, the laughter. I want it to be "us". I want for Trenton and I to be a huge part of the wedding (both aesthetically and physically).

If our response cards are rude, or our food is cold, we won't care. If the shades of the pink and green don't exactly match, it seems huge now, but it won't be a problem the day of the wedding. Everything in relation. What matters today, will not matter tomorrow.

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