Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Bad

Wow, guys. Sorry for the lack of posting. I had a pretty crazy couple days. It's mid-terms here in Norman, which means lots of reading, studying and writing. I had three mid-terms, one was a paper, one was multiple choice and three short answers, and the last was all short answer with a few long answer essay questions. It's been nuts. But, it's over, it's Spring Break and I just have to work-- no school!

In other news, my dad got a job! I'm very excited for him as he's been doing this training program for a while now and he deserved to get his theater. I'm sad he'll be moving to El Paso, Texas this coming week, but I'm still just too excited he got a job. I'm so proud of him for sticking through the silly training (that he blew through, by the way-- my dad is just too awesome for his own good) and getting his theater. It's company policy that managers (which my dad is) do not get vacation time off between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Do we see the problem?! My wedding is right between those dates! But, don't worry. My dad's new boss in El Paso understands that his daughter is getting married and that my dad needs to come home. His new boss is really great and values family so he told my dad he would work it out with him. Sadly, it means my dad may get in the day before the wedding and leave the day after. I don't mind that as long as he gets to be there.

More news: the wedding planning is driving me a little crazy. In wedding planning, you start thinking about stuff that in every day "normal" world, you would never think twice about. You fret about fabrics, colors, flowers, matching all of the aforementioned items. You go a little berserk over things that in the grand scheme of things-- really don't matter. I found myself worried about colors, ties, jewelry and flowers this weekend. I'm worried how the guys' ties will look with my girls' jewelry. Something you would never worry about outside of Wedding World. I've finally decided to make life easy and go with something cute. And that I can make myself. Wanna know? Do ya? Huh huh?
Pearl Ribbon Necklaces! I would use slightly smaller pearls because those are just a little... too giant. My ribbon would be pink or green depending on the boys' ties. I would probably have some girls wear their bows in the front (as shown here) if they're in strapless dresses like my sister. One of my 'maids is wearing a halter dress, so her bow would tie in the back to "accent" the bare back her dress gives her. Now, BM K is looking at a dress that is a "faux halter". This means the bare back of a halter is not actually there. From the front it looks almost the same, but it has more coverage in front and fabric covering the back too. Obviously wearing a necklace with such a neckline is a little silly, so for her, I would probably make her a bracelet instead.

I found a great tutorial here for how to make these pearl ribbon necklaces. It seems easy enough and not very time consuming. I'll probably try it out myself first before I get my heart set on these necklaces. To have a necklace like this custom made through Etsy it's around $30. I figure for that I can buy most of the necessary supplies for my three necklaces and one bracelet. Not too bad. And, they're cute enough that my girls can wear them again, which is all I really wanted.

More to come on bridesmaid dresses once I actually know what dress each BM is wearing.

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